Passover Lamb Of Jubilee

“Passover time”, Christ said, “prepare
A meal for us – attend with care
This meal, for I will eat it soon
With you, in yonder upper room.

Of course he did not do so then –
The night before he dined with them,
Then was arrested (Thursday night);
Good Friday morning – some went right –

To crucify him; others fled;
To Calvary the soldiers led
Him with His cross, all mocked and torn –
For this was preparation morn –

The time when sheep for evening meal
Were slain – so with them (He was real)
He too was slain – with other sheep –
So He could this pass-over keep.

He died that we might all have life,
Out here where nations had no light
Like Jews had back since Abraham;
Now it could come to foreign lands.

Apostles brought a stripped-down form
Of Judaism – not the norm
Of what they’d had – two thousand years
Of learnings – written down through tears.

So, “Judaism-lite” for all,
Came to our cultures, wrecked by fall
Of man back on that garden date –
And now with them we celebrate –

His dying that we too might live,
And to the others we might give
The salt, and leaven, light, and life,
We have received, here, in our night.
