Passover Lamb Of Jubilee
“Passover time”, Christ said, “prepare
A meal for us – attend with care
This meal, for I will eat it soon
With you, in yonder upper room.Of course he did not do so then –
The night before he dined with them,
Then was arrested (Thursday night);
Good Friday morning – some went right –To crucify him; others fled;
To Calvary the soldiers led
Him with His cross, all mocked and torn –
For this was preparation morn –The time when sheep for evening meal
Were slain – so with them (He was real)
He too was slain – with other sheep –
So He could this pass-over keep.He died that we might all have life,
Out here where nations had no light
Like Jews had back since Abraham;
Now it could come to foreign lands.Apostles brought a stripped-down form
Of Judaism – not the norm
Of what they’d had – two thousand years
Of learnings – written down through tears.So, “Judaism-lite” for all,
Came to our cultures, wrecked by fall
Of man back on that garden date –
And now with them we celebrate –His dying that we too might live,
And to the others we might give
The salt, and leaven, light, and life,
We have received, here, in our night.navigation