“One ‘N’ Or Two?”
One ‘N’ or two’s the issue really, at its base;
One ‘N’ or two depicts a shift in any case;
One ‘N’ which comes to me means sparkle in my craft;
Two ‘N,s’ before (‘what is it) kept afloat this raft’.When Israel moved from desert to the Promised Land,
The two-n manna stopped – they came to understand
It was not needed where they now could earn their bread;
So too, today, as we move on – we will be fed –Another way – one-n-type food – with sparkle made;
You have your craft, as we walk out the process laid,
It matters not how quick or slow it goes,
The mana watch, ensue it product-service knows.One “n” or two, they both are gifts the Father gives;
Both give us food, support the life we wish to live;
Keep us each day, O Lord, as we move on from here;
Help us maintain our focus, and ignore our fear.navigation