How Could I Have Missed It?

Lord, how could I have missed it, sitting right beneath my nose?
And how could I have missed it as we’ve talked, and heaven knows?
I guess it’s not surprising as we walk the path with You –
The journeys of the others are for them to see and do.

Lord, when it comes down to it, it’s my business I’m to mind;
Sure, I help some others but it’s mine I am to find;
Keep my eyes and hands outside the grating of the fence,
Mind the boundary markers – do not stimulate defense.

Lord, You are amazing as we walk our walk each day;
In Your way You guide us, give us things to do and say;
Then such things as this one show up in our daily life –
That’s when we are forced to see Your presence in our strife.

Lord, it’s quite amazing how this caper’s working out;
He gets conversations with the boss; and there’s no doubt,
He is seen for what he is in You – a help to them –
Somehow in this fracas on Your grace all can depend.
