It’s All About The Money
It’s all about the money now I’ve come into this land,
Which works for me, it’s central to the way I understand
The world in which I’m living now – this Giver-Land out here –
For money makes the world go ’round – that part of it is clear.It was the tool which freed us from a feudal, stable life,
Which worked until the cannons made the castle walls a site
To visit as a tourist, an archaic life in stone,
But not much to protect us now – no place to build a home.And things are changing once again, as warfare shifts on high –
Technology is led by war, now “Star-Wars” in the sky,
Which takes the institutions which protected in the past,
And stands them on their ear just like the Knights that couldn’t last.So what has cash to do with that in our locality?
It’s how we measure value – in new things which come to be;
They weren’t before, are strange right now, but soon we’ll come to see,
They could be helpful – then we’ll swap some cash – for nothing’s free.It’s all about the innovations people think up next,
And how to capture value – if they don’t then they are vexed;
Assumptions we have held before are problematic now,
For needs are stable – “what” and “why” – but shifting is the “how”.In all I do with other folks I ask of “what” and “why”,
For that’s the part I cannot see, though often times I try;
Once that is clear the “how” clicks in – I iterate to hone,
And then release it to the gifts that drive the insight home.A faster, better, cheaper, way of doing life each day,
Is critical as life evolves at home, at work, at play;
Seven billion on the planet, and we grow by leaps and bounds –
It’s cash that liberates our way, till life for all abounds.What is the little part He has in mind for you to do?
Each one of us can play a part – and that’s including you;
So rise up to the challenge, don’t get spooked, or lose your way,
Or find yourself washed on a beach – it’s cash that lets you play.You must exchange the work you do for cash – we play a part;
And money lets us buy the other things like food and art
Which others bring to market, but beware in changing times –
Swap for the end result, not for the hours on the line.An innovation shrinks, and helps us work efficiently;
We need to keep our standards up, use tools which help us be
The best producers of our craft or service on the block;
So don’t get trapped in hourly wage – let tools enhance your talk.For we’re a body – all of us – that’s called community;
When we’re alone, cut out of it, we can’t in fullness be
The people God designed when he invented us one day,
And chuckled, “This one they’ll love”, and set us on our way.We’re each designed to play a part – quite flexibly it seems;
For life is not exact, this way we live in freedom – keen
To try things out, experiment, move from our former ways,
For there’s not room for all of us to dwell in stony caves.Now, as you leave La Fortress, hit the road to help some folks
Along the info-Highway, you’ll look down and see the joke –
The paths, the trails, the roads, the ways – invented long ago
Are still in use today because they help us when we go –Out of our castles – touch the lives in our community;
The global village is the place where we have come to be
Relating to each other – ’bout their ways of life we ask;
And when we find some benefit we swap it for some cash.Good Luck.