For, If, When,  And Where (Sun Tzu?) (Job Chapter 38-42; Romans 11:33; Acts 7:25; Matthew 23:37; 2 Corinthians 11:25; Psalm 103; Isaiah 42:03; Isaiah 52:13-53:12)

“For, if, when, and, where,” he said,
“Long as you do this”, I read,
Strength, and fullness, solid ye
Will your armor to him be.

Like a rock, a whetstone round,
Like a millstone you have found,
Smashed upon an egg or two,
They’ll be crushed, removed from view.

Strength and substance, solidness,
Substantial being you’ll be blessed
Against the emptiness and void;
The vacuous is thus destroyed.

So long as they to you will come,
A weakness with their troops will run;
So long as you to them don’t go,
Your force a fullness great will know.

In olden times, the stoning used
Destroyed the weak, as bullets do;
But we must keep a larger view
Of what our fellow man can do.

The Prophets, just like Paul, got stoned;
Community that weapon owned,
To keep its members in a line,
And make each person group-think mind.

But often strength is seen below
The surface in the folks we know;
We think we’ve won by crushing them
Until we’ve brought them to an end –

And then we see that’s not quite right,
For strength and weakness in our sight
Mistaken was, for they survived;
Like cross and stone – for us they died.
