For, If, When, And Where (Sun Tzu?) (Job Chapter 38-42; Romans 11:33; Acts 7:25; Matthew 23:37; 2 Corinthians 11:25; Psalm 103; Isaiah 42:03; Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
“For, if, when, and, where,” he said,
“Long as you do this”, I read,
Strength, and fullness, solid ye
Will your armor to him be.Like a rock, a whetstone round,
Like a millstone you have found,
Smashed upon an egg or two,
They’ll be crushed, removed from view.Strength and substance, solidness,
Substantial being you’ll be blessed
Against the emptiness and void;
The vacuous is thus destroyed.So long as they to you will come,
A weakness with their troops will run;
So long as you to them don’t go,
Your force a fullness great will know.In olden times, the stoning used
Destroyed the weak, as bullets do;
But we must keep a larger view
Of what our fellow man can do.The Prophets, just like Paul, got stoned;
Community that weapon owned,
To keep its members in a line,
And make each person group-think mind.But often strength is seen below
The surface in the folks we know;
We think we’ve won by crushing them
Until we’ve brought them to an end –And then we see that’s not quite right,
For strength and weakness in our sight
Mistaken was, for they survived;
Like cross and stone – for us they died.navigation