Explicit Errors (Sun Tzu 4:2) (Ephesians 4:26; Proverbs 16:18; 2 Corinthians 10:1-6; John 17:13-19; Matthew 6:24)

It’s all about the errors made –
Exploiting them when plans are laid;
So don’t goof up your own defense;
Be vigilant in your offense.

For if no goof-ups yet are seen,
A victory can not have been
Created based on that weak link,
So pay attention – watch and think.

Defense (in place, or on the move)
Is up to you – your skill to prove
By making self invincible,
Your army’s made unbeatable.

If you’ve no form they can find out,
No gap or slack, without a doubt
You’re then secure against defeat –
Success is yours when armies meet.

Mistakes and errors must be viewed
For circumstances to be used;
The enemy gives chance to win,
You can’t create the doorway in.

Now when we’re working in the world
(Not of it – in it – heed that word),
Two Masters offer options there –
We each can serve just one with care.

So we must watch – despised we’ll be,
If God we serve – Christ’s army we;
Be careful – no formation hold
With rigid hands, to ease our load.

Because (as we see later on)
Formation’s used, then it is gone,
Like water hitting rock in stream
We flow – fit form to function’s need.

When form’s detected by the foe,
It’s weaknesses they’re sure to know;
They’ll have a way to victory
As they exploit where we are weak.

Hang loose, let God the form provide
That’s needed daily for your side;
Don’t lock on to a structure fair;
Use form in God to work out there.

The same is true of gaps and slacks –
Sun Tzu points out – those things we lack –
Be being filled, Paul wrote his friends,
Or they’ll exploit where resource ends.

On anger don’t let sun go down,
Lest enemy then gain the ground
He needs to beat you in the fray,
When you awake on battle day.

The same with pride – that shaky turf,
Or enemy will gain the earth
He needs to generate your fall,
And you end up with losing all.

There’s strongholds evil-one lives in,
From which his sorties all begin;
They’re different in each one of us,
So bring them down – prevent a fuss.

You’ve weapons to perform that task –
The words to speak which Savior asks,
So use them – dance around each place
Until you’ve evil-one displaced.

For then he’ll have no place to hide,
No secrets hold to then apply;
For weakness, once exposed to light,
Its power can’t be used to fight.
