Mergers And Acquisitions (Sun Tzu 3:1) (Luke 15:11-31; John 3:16-17; Micah 4:1-5)

Destroying things is second-best;
To capture whole exceeds the rest;
For then you have an entity,
Destruction means you’ll seize the least.

In general, that sums it up –
When using force, as things get rough,
Remember this priority,
And high-road take to victory.

The butcher’s knife that’s never blunt,
Is one that starts out at the front,
And cuts between two entities,
So needs no wearing-dullness see.

Use Tao, not force, in all your ways;
Resistance break so function stays
Within each system you have seized –
They need not stay upon their knees.

Authority and government
Within each entity, not wrent,
Exists to help control the mass
Of people captured – small or vast.

From Army to a Regiment,
Division or Battalion, sent
In war to finish up some task,
Can yield (if handled right) intact.

The same holds true for Companies,
Or five-man Squads – intact you’ll see
More long-term value as a whole,
Than smashing all to reach your goal.

From days of old to Jesus’ day,
Our Father-God behaved that way –
“Forsake your foolish ways and turn
To me, and better way then learn”.

