The Tell (Sun Tzu 1:11) (Luke 13:31-35)
The body preps before it makes a strike,
So be aware, for tells will start the fight:
Like government and governed – are they one?
Are they fulfilled – assess who will have won.Like tiger cat – have they coiled for attack?
All points secure? No points exhibit lack?
Are they substantial? Concentrated force?
Superior? Defensive make your course.Don’t wait for clash to preparations make,
For you can win, if you precautions take,
And are prepared, protections set against
Attack – full ready – strength for you immense.En-guard is fine, but if they have a strength
Superior to yours, then go to any lengths
To step aside, evade, avoid the fight;
Get out of there – retreat but not in fright.That sounds like Christ – warned of some treachery,
Took friends’ advice, did not wait ’round to see
King Herod’s men take Him before His day;
Avoided strengths, went quickly on his way.But He showed up, once things were all in place;
He knew the plan, how He would have to face
An ugly end, but time had not emerged –
Jerusalem – would be where all converged.navigation