Sally Forth (Sun Tzu 1:13) (John 7:1-15)

A cartoon once was in the press,
Called “Sally Forth” – where they addressed
The issues facing female types,
In working world – it’s time was right.

As chapter one draws to a close,
The focus shifts, as planning goes
From desk to field – it’s “sally forth”,
Like soldiers leaving from a fort.

But still – “affecting odds”, it seems,
Is focus still – if so, it means
That even in our going out,
And coming in – it’s all about –

Our up-front thought: efficient moves
Are ones fulfilled, where it behooves
Us to go zig when they think zag –
Like cat and mouse, or game of tag.

When we attack defensively,
It’s at inferiorities;
We move with care and subtlety,
As flaws in strength and mind we see.

Where you’re expected, don’t show up;
Best plan of all’s “unknown”, so tough
To guess – combined with “formlessness”
Is most effective – much less fuss.

Can they prepare? Don’t let them know;
Where they are strong – poor place to go;
Attack when they are unprepared
(And where) – surprise will make them scared.

They’ll not expect you everywhere,
So just appear; make moves with care;
Emerge where they are weak – attack
Where preparations have been lax.

Delusion – (from humility)
Makes haughtiness, and gross conceit,
Where arrogance fills up their mind;
False confidence? Not far behind.

Fake humbleness; appear quite weak;
Pretend inferiority;
Be deferential; let them think
They’re great – and watch for when they blink.

When they need rest, force active days;
If they’re at ease, disrupt such ways;
Exhaust them; tire them out by flight;
Give them no rest by day or night.

When they are rested, peak of form,
Make them exert themselves from morn
’Till evening – keep them under stress,
And wear them down to weariness.

If they’re united, splinter them;
Is force intact? foment division;
Cause part with part to separate;
Their quick demise precipitate.

When Jesus felt the time was right,
He took His trip – but out of sight;
He walked around quite openly,
And taught so folks could plainly see –

That what He said was for their lives,
And when into their heart arrives
The Spirit of the living God,
They’d understand what then seemed odd –

So there it is – Sun Tzu, Son Tsu;
Both guiding folks in what to do –
Strike at the gaps of their great strength,
And you’ll taste victory at length.
