Sally Forth (Sun Tzu 1:13) (John 7:1-15)
A cartoon once was in the press,
Called “Sally Forth” – where they addressed
The issues facing female types,
In working world – it’s time was right.As chapter one draws to a close,
The focus shifts, as planning goes
From desk to field – it’s “sally forth”,
Like soldiers leaving from a fort.But still – “affecting odds”, it seems,
Is focus still – if so, it means
That even in our going out,
And coming in – it’s all about –Our up-front thought: efficient moves
Are ones fulfilled, where it behooves
Us to go zig when they think zag –
Like cat and mouse, or game of tag.When we attack defensively,
It’s at inferiorities;
We move with care and subtlety,
As flaws in strength and mind we see.Where you’re expected, don’t show up;
Best plan of all’s “unknown”, so tough
To guess – combined with “formlessness”
Is most effective – much less fuss.Can they prepare? Don’t let them know;
Where they are strong – poor place to go;
Attack when they are unprepared
(And where) – surprise will make them scared.They’ll not expect you everywhere,
So just appear; make moves with care;
Emerge where they are weak – attack
Where preparations have been lax.Delusion – (from humility)
Makes haughtiness, and gross conceit,
Where arrogance fills up their mind;
False confidence? Not far behind.Fake humbleness; appear quite weak;
Pretend inferiority;
Be deferential; let them think
They’re great – and watch for when they blink.When they need rest, force active days;
If they’re at ease, disrupt such ways;
Exhaust them; tire them out by flight;
Give them no rest by day or night.When they are rested, peak of form,
Make them exert themselves from morn
’Till evening – keep them under stress,
And wear them down to weariness.If they’re united, splinter them;
Is force intact? foment division;
Cause part with part to separate;
Their quick demise precipitate.When Jesus felt the time was right,
He took His trip – but out of sight;
He walked around quite openly,
And taught so folks could plainly see –That what He said was for their lives,
And when into their heart arrives
The Spirit of the living God,
They’d understand what then seemed odd –So there it is – Sun Tzu, Son Tsu;
Both guiding folks in what to do –
Strike at the gaps of their great strength,
And you’ll taste victory at length.navigation