The Best Bluff
The best bluff is no bluff so that bluff we’ll do,
For that’s where the road goes in way of Son Tzu;
“Let yes be your yes, and your no be your no,
Your story be true as now onward you go.But stop and consider just where you are at;
Be certain your footsteps are based on that fact;
The view from the outside will vary with each,
But off in the distance your goal we must reach.If you want a pizza hut, say so right now,
For that road is different, and funds won’t allow
A venture like that plus a venture like this;
Pick one, and one only – and I’d be remiss –If I did not mention, it should be your core
Of interest reflected, the thing you adore;
One small piece of hunger felt deep in your bones,
Which needs satisfaction as onward you roam.For we’ll satisfy that one hunger out there,
In lives such as yours, for that hunger’s your care –
You’ve been there; you’ve felt it; you know it full well;
So that’s what we'll build in this walk out of hell.What’s good for the goose, for the gander works too;
You ask, “Where from here?” Ancients showed what to do:
“Take hunger you’ve felt, one that’s close to your core,
And meet hunger’s need for those feeling it more”.I’m hearing the hunger is not that or this,
But sharing residual value you’d missed
When working for others – they’d taken away
The value created in work at low pay.So, justice and equity, rate of return,
Reflecting the value in pay you have earned;
And credit for part you have played in their game;
Not “wring out and throw out”, or treat all the same –As if what we bring to the table each day,
Has no greater value than jo-jobs for pay
At minimum wage like a kid starting out –
Acknowledge the value I’ve brought without doubt.So, it’s not a pizza hut, hotel, or school;
A farm with its chickens (for many, that’s cool);
Not even a business we’ve talked about lots,
Whose output is “businesses – quality tops”.For you it’s more subtle – a way to do life;
A way to make bucks for your kids and your wife;
A way not de-mean-ing, or mean in its ways –
One capturing value, for which value pays.In your case, as chicken which lays golden eggs
As you wander ’round, see the combo that pays,
And pass insights on as the part you produce –
The flow of that product is what we will use.If you’d been a craftsman producing fine quilts,
The business we’d make, so the value we'd milk
Would have as its input your concepts and skill –
Transform them to products, some need to fulfill.But yours is quite different, intangible more –
It’s those golden eggs which the others adore
Enough to purloin them, or seize for low pay,
So, “wrap in a wrapper of business”, I’d say.But that’s a solution, an answer, so watch –
Don’t lock on, commit to it – for if it stops
You’re stuck, keep commitment to question you’ve got;
Let answers emerge, fall away if they are not –Solutions resolving the quest you’ve been on:
“In value share fully” – that’s where the wrong
Exists in the system that’s practiced today;
You want compensation – for value be paid.So that is your hunger, what you have desired –
Be paid for the value you bring when you’re hired”;
So when you have conjured a business as wrap,
Be sure it’s designed to give others just that.If businesses made in your RTM lot,
Are just like the ones which we’ve already got,
You may move your insights, put cash in the bank,
But will those employees return with their thanks –For building a business with justice built-in,
Where they bring their value, residuals win,
Just like you desired as you worked in your past –
Give what you desired, and you’ll have it at last.Oh yes, it’s all nice to have product that’s best,
So Internet-checking for quality tests
Is smart – cuts the hassle they’ll meet down the road,
But that’s not the point, it won’t carry the load.The “burden” for you is more “value-based-pay”,
“In value share fully from things you convey”;
If that doesn’t happen, high quality’s crap –
A much better mouse trap’s still mouse trap that snaps.So blue and blue’s product must be of a piece;
They’ll learn from each other, new heights will be reached;
If you make for others what you’ve hungered for,
Then you’ll be rewarded with that, and much more.navigation