The Passing
Six Shoals there be, before the open water,
If we’re to grow to be who God designed;
The last of six can strip of us our laughter,
And trip us up as future comes to mind.It goes like this – “I now approach the crossing,
From desert years into that Promised Land;
If I succeed, my past I will be tossing,
But if I fail I’ll with my culture stand.“So I won’t pass – throw one – that way I’m knowing
I can succeed – go do some para-task;
To graduate, I know I will be going
Out of my world, so this is what I ask:“Dear mom and dad, the past I know I’m leaving;
Will you still love me when I go away?
I must move on to future I’m not seeing,
But this I know – farewell I say today.”“Ach, child of ours, we’ve worked towards this gating;
We’ve been there too, and someday we will die;
So press on in, Christ said He would be waiting,
In cultured rooms which you perceive now lie –“Out on the road – security now passing,
Road slowly turns, the past now shifts from view;
Take up your life, of Christ now be your asking,
“What task today, what would You have me do?“And we will watch as you live out your future;
We’ll cheer you on; support you when you fall;
On loan from God, your presence made us richer;
Take up your torch – and love Him most of all.”navigation