One Way (Sun Tzu 1:3) (John 14:6)

“There is one door and only one”,
We sang with heart that little song;
“And yet its sides are two” it went,
We’d sing that song till we were spent.

“I’m on the inside” (looking out);
“Which side are you?” (Just look about);
What awful words to teach a child;
From days of conquest – viewed as mild.

Sun Tzu takes note along this line,
First factor helps you make out fine;
Make unity within the fold,
Twix leaders and the rest, be bold.

Share life, share death, without a fear;
Strong moral cause maintained as dear;
One people and one government;
With that young lives to war are sent.

Gone are the feelings of dismay
At danger, fear – they will display
A loyalty beyond reproach;
Contentious views they will not broach.

In life and death they’ll not betray
Their comrades, buddies – they will lay
Their lives at leaders’ feet with glee,
When leaders say, “Come, follow me”.

The influence, the harmony,
The “Tao”, or way is clear to see;
Who has it, you? The other team?
Or hid so it cannot be seen?

The problem? When “The way” goes wrong,
Like Hitler and his siren song;
“I am the way, the truth, the light,”
Said Christ, “In me you’ll find your life.”

And yes, indeed, it worked quite well –
Esprit de corps, for Britts was swell;
“So what if old the Britannia waves
The rules – our way of life it saves”.

I think of camping as a kid;
Or at a conference – leaders bid
Us join as one – T-groups were done –
From stuff like that great wars are won.
