Faith – The Under Side Of Prayer
The prayer that puts us in a scene,
Is all about our faith – unseen;
Behind unpleasant scenes of life,
There seems to be support in strife.God sees that we get justice fast;
Rely on that until at last;
You’ll see what He sees in the end –
His justice stands, it will not bend.“The only question in my mind”,
Said Jesus, “If that day I’ll find
The faith (that’s trust in God-Divine)
Which seeks it, present in mankind”.I thought that justice was ’bout me;
It was, I see, more fittingly
Conveyed through channels not my own –
Unseen by me – results then known.So daisy-chain-like it rolls on:
A prayer goes up and I’m the one
Assigned to let God’s justice roll –
Unseen, through me He makes things whole.God’s justice, in my case, I see
Was done in ways outside of me:
I’m fed – I feed – you’re fed – you feed –
Thus justice flows – including me.The problem is, we think we’re it,
That God will work through us to fix
The parts of life which do not work
Within our lives – but He’s no jerk –He’s bigger than our view of life;
We pray – He answers in our strife
In ways that don’t depend on us;
Then when we’re fixed he waits on us –To play a part in answered prayer
In other lives – convey His care –
For someone has just prayed to Him –
Through you He’ll bring their justice in.It’s like a body, all linked up:
I’m hungry – ask for cake to sup –
My feet and hands and mouth comply,
So stomach’s need is satisfied.My stomach then digests the cake;
Its nutrients extracted, make
The energy for hands and feet
To do their work – to justice seek.God’s invitation’s into life,
It comes to us amidst our strife;
We pray for justice, it comes fast,
Through someone else, we heal at last.A crisis comes in neighbor near;
He prays – you act – the way not clear;
The prayer that puts us in a scene,
Is all about a world – unseen...navigation