Baptism And Fire – (Beginning of Reflections on Sun Tsu’s Art Of War
Section 1 Item 1)

War and its conduct quite central abide;
Nations and states in the long run survive
If these are handled with vigilant care;
Shifting the odds helps to sidestep despair.

Cautiously study each aspect with care;
Do not neglect it – imperative’s there –
Thoroughly study – it’s never too much;
Don’t take it lightly, consider and touch –

Each tiny aspect, for life and for death
Lie down this road, on this field; for our breath
Comes to an end – lands are fatal or safe –
If we’re not careful in choices we make.

Actions of others are nasty at times,
Ways to resist them come slowly to mind;
Best think it through in our times of great peace,
Lest their surprises cause pleasures to cease.

Safety or ruin, survival or not,
Lie on a pathway and choices we’ve got;
Floating along like tomorrow’s today,
Just invites trouble for which we must pay.

Think about warfare, it’s uglier side,
Not the swashbuckling horses we ride;
More the grim toll borne by all who partake –
Think how your actions can better life make.

War’s about smashing, destroying, and death;
Ending survival, extinguishing breath;
Bringing extinction to life as it’s known;
Wiping out safety from Main Street and home.

Shun it, avoid it, prevent at all cost;
Do this before hand, for all can be lost;
Makers of peace pay the price up ahead –
Once war has started, most options are dead.

But if there’s no way to walk in one’s peace,
Thinking ahead can provide great release;
Strategy, tactics, both forward and back,
Give us some options when others attack.

We’re not alone on this planet of blue,
Others have notions – what they'd like to do;
Sometimes those plans don’t bode well for our ways,
That’s when some forethought belligerence stays.

Warfare’s the ground where disputes are worked out,
When our persuasion cannot bring about
Better solutions – it’s nasty and mean;
(Corporate sector’s involved, so it seems).

No one’s immune to this aspect of life;
We’ve had a breather for decades from strife;
But that can end with a blink of an eye,
Best we start now if we hope to survive.

Maybe you’re not into parry and thrust;
Maybe you’d rather build friendship and trust;
Fine – I’ve no problem, just keep this in mind –
Some folks are nasty while you’re being kind.

Innocent be as a lamb in the fold;
Wise as a serpent in what you behold;
Rose-colored glasses reduce the sun’s glare;
Just don’t believe there’s no evil out there.

Peacetime’s my preference; persuasion’s my way;
Eternal values I hope will hold sway;
But if they don’t, pictured-words don’t suffice,
Thinking ahead is Son (Sun) Tsu’s advice.

How we behave once hostilities start,
Deeply affects both our minds and our hearts;
How we take action, or choose to respond,
Critical is – on both sides of the pond.
