It’s been a while since I that question asked;
“Transcendence” – word for choice that’s made in past
So long ago I quite forget it all,
As it has blended in – the base of call.Not call upon my life to do His will,
But call out from my darkness and this swill
Of life, as it had swamped my little boat;
A call to life sublime of which they wrote.The call to me – my invite into life,
Was not through books but in a way quite right
For who I am – my stubbornness and shame –
He came with peace to quiet me again.And from that first encounter on the shore,
I grew with Him and thus became much more
Than I could ever hope or dream alone –
He led me back to His eternal home.I asked myself, “What could your purpose be –
The one assumed in all you do and see?
Good question – I’ll get back to you on that –
Oh yes – in Scripture there’s the Word I lacked:A hundred times or more (who knows or cares?)
Assumed and shown quite clear in words writ there:
“Our purpose (that’s our “why”), is not our own
But His for us – in that we’re not alone.That is the purpose He fulfills in life;
Resources flow from Him within His fight;
God’s antidote to allergies of gifts –
Our ‘Lord’ repairs our inter-active rifts.navigation