Today's The Day?

Today’s the day, the two-year point
When things adjust, seem out of joint
With where things were two years ago –
To have, to hold – each other know.

There is this bliss – two years it lasts,
Which softens impact of our pasts,
As they engage – assembled blocks
Laid in the sand, where each one locks –

Onto the blocks beside, above
And inter-twines – frames out our love
For years to come – to weather storms
Like pyramids – in basic form.

For wide the base, and wider still
It grows, to hold a mass that will
Reach skyward through the coming years –
Stability for laughter, tears.

At two-year point the numb wears off;
The lives we had now look a lot
Like life before, but with this twist –
Somehow this life with love’s been kissed.

One day a friend came up to me,
And told me how a change could be
A blessing, not an end to fun –
“Strong bones need joints so we can run”.

I asked her to elaborate –
“Divisions in your marriage make;
Have several weddings through the years –
As changes come, make use of tears.

“It’s like ‘trip meter’ on your car,
Just push the button – click – you are
Within a brand-new span of time –
Small sections of a larger line.

“Things change in life – jobs come and go;
We move; have kids; strong friendships grow;
For better or for worse – that stuff –
So make a ‘joint’ when things get tough.

“Just hold a little meeting time;
Propose ‘next marriage would be fine
For me, for change has come our way –
Box this one up, put it away’.

“Then celebrate the good in it;
Don’t feel what’s past must always fit
Into our present-future time;
Make something new – make it sublime”.

It’s years now since she spoke that way;
We’ve now had ten – great times I’d say –
As we matured, and changes came,
We boxed each one – made love a game.

These days when things have changed so much,
And marking dates from ‘our first touch’
To ‘moving in’, or ‘papers signed’
To ‘dual-celebration time’–

Begs, “What’s an anniversary”?
I’ll tell you what it means to me –
We’ve had ten weddings in our lives,
That’s how for us our love survives.

We look with fondness on our past
To marriages which did not last,
But while they helped us, were sublime –
Each ribboned-box a slice of time.
