Strange Light At Dusk
At first the image of my trip I had
Was water-walking, now I feel instead
It’s closer to a swim beyond my depth –
And find myself far from the place I left.I did not ask to be here at this time,
But rather, I was taken here (and kind
An action it was – I am sure;
But being here makes me feel insecure).For I have known some folks who live up here,
At least I knew them once, but it appears
Our paths divided back when we were kids;
Now with this change of turf I’m in their midst.I ask you, Lord, why here? Why now? Why this?
And hear – “You’ll see, just go – you will not miss
The word I have for you – through you – to her,
And once you see and hear you will be sure –That all is well, I have things well in hand;
Just don’t freak out, for soon you’ll under-stand,
And the laugh at what to you appears alarm –
Like flashlight in that bag – it cannot harm”Already I am smiling at the thought –
A light upon the water – out I walked;
The kids pulled on the line to plastic bag;
I yelped and fled – quite nude – the trick well laid.A flashlight with a bend made beam appear
Like submarine at dusk – it was not clear
What it could be – I ventured to find out –
They pulled the string – it came at me – I yelped!Lord, thanks for this – in unfamiliar land
We spook quite quickly – we don’t understand
What others see as in the range of life,
So flee the field to “wisely” save our life.navigation