Is There A Reason In This Season?
“If you’ve a why, you do not structures need,
Like walls to fend off those obsessed with greed,
Who sense your weakness, move in for the kill,
And take you out, seize goods against your will.“If you’ve why as big as family,
Which you defend, provide for all their need,
It’s not enough – attack will surely come;
They’ll see no ‘why’ – indeed there is not one.”For why’s tied with “what” – your mountain slope;
Roped in you are with spouse – together grope
Up rocks and cliffs, ice-faces – but why there?
If you’ve no why – you’ll quit – indeed, who cares?In body-life, our gifts each other bless;
How-to and hope from me relieve a mess
For those who can’t see how to move along;
But what and why are not within my song.But other folks help me pick up the slack –
See what they see, know things my insight lacks;
I know that’s true for others – just like me –
They have their strengths – but sometimes tow-trucks need.I guess I trust God’s vision takes that in;
There is a “why” beyond release from sin –
“Abundant life for all; not ways of hell;
Beyond just-us – Justice and doing well.”That’s big enough for me, though not the whole;
I’m just a part of body-life – I know
There’s other parts which capture other lines;
Supply their “why’s”, which makes their life sublime.navigation