Of Good Intent
There’s lots of things,
Though good intent
Goes with them all,
Will not transpire
For all the deep
Desire within
Our hearts.For will is strong,
And hearts inspire
The words to speak
Of acts ahead
We now intend
To do –But days and nights
Gets cluttered up
With flotsam,
Jetsam of
The wreckage
Of our lives –And prove to be
Too short by far
To ever have
The time
To follow
Through.We do not like it
When our friends
(Or relatives, no less),
Bring this sad fact
Up to the point
When we too
Face this fact
And cannot
Dodge.We know –
And cannot dodge
This frank display
Confronting us,
That time has flown
And with it
Now, at last,
All hope
Of our success.And that’s our sad demise,
As we engage
The day-to-day
And year-to-year,
And witness
Good intent
As we
Go.We think this life
Will always be
Just like today –
Or yesterday
When energy
And quickness of our thought
Was felt to be
The normal state
Of action
Day by day.And then it’s done –
The days and weeks
Get shorter by the year
As each
Makes smaller
Than the last,
Enduring time.And then it’s done –
And death
How e’er it comes
O’er takes us
And our
Shortened days,
At last
We breathe
No more.navigation