
If Christmas has no benefit, commercially, that is,
It’s just a painful blip upon the bottom line of biz;
For many it’s the harvest of a year of patient toil,
For others it’s the end of things which tinsel comes to spoil.

A graphic look at retail sales shows straight line, then a spike;
Society saves up its cash ’till Christmas time – it’s like
A Prairie then a mountain, every year it’s just the same
For businesses without the spike it’s just a costly game.

As other folks shift time and cash to other target buys,
They leave routine expenditures, where normal living lies,
Expecting us to still be here when all is said and done,
Absorbing hits to pocket-book (of surplus cash there’s none).

Of course we learn to live with this, eleven months there are
For daily business in our firm, life lived as regular;
So we adjust – two weeks before, two weeks which follow on
The Christmas spike in retail sales – when sales for us are gone.
