“Each Project Gets An ‘Inc.’ It Seems” (Theophami Photo Series)

Each project gets an “Inc.”, it seems
This morning, as what this one means
To me in You, O Christ, of life,
Amidst this dark, Your gift of light.

The world would make the “Inc.” persist
Beyond one’s life, as they insist
It makes transitions smooth as silk,
From one to next, like mother’s milk.

For world sees power flowing there –
In-Corporation dares compare
A body-corporate to a man,
With rights and powers which it can –

Administer with greatest ease,
As owners do what e’er they please;
But it’s no ‘man’ , nor is it ‘Christ’,
Whose “body-life” to Paul fit right.

So Lord, I’m now here at the start
Of “Island in the Sun” – my part
Is still emerging, but I see
At least somewhat, applied to me.

This project’s one, which You’ve assigned,
Expressing concept You’ve in mind
For me as catalyzing form,
Amidst some sea of folks forlorn.

So now we circle ’round their beach –
Their airstrip, which we soon will reach
Lies quietly, awaiting us
To take our place amidst their fuss.

Well, Lord, thanks for this brand new day,
As we prepare, our farewells say;
Bless us with Your productive times
As we Inc. work you have in mind.

Thanks Lord for this.
