Random Access Table of Contents
[* = content in item]
- 5. My current day rate and method of calculation
- 82.belonging to a group and yet maintaining plenty of interpersonal workspace
- 71. Deciding whether to go it alone or in a team
- 92.How to deal with other people's downside behavior (and your own)
- 50Assisting the community to gather its own cultur-mix data in the community
- 43.My process of striking a ballance between home and target community
- 42.My method for estimating how long community / project animation will take
- 72. Priorizing desired working conditions in relation to the project realities
- 64. Equipment required for community Animation and how to aquire it
- 59. How to select gift-appropriate software
- 65. Gift-appropriate use/non use of computers
- 66 Gift-appropriate software
- 67.Handling math when it is not a normal life-tool for you
- 69.What to do about the reality of surprises in an imperfect world
- 62.The most apropriate business format for community annimation
- 63.Dealing with meetings when they are inappropriate fory gift mix / task
- 81.Framing evaluation around people rather than institutions for community animation
- 83. Creative responses when the Institutinal Church is not being faithful to its mandate
- 45.How I get around premature demands for results from those who buy the myth of speed
- 88. Keeping administrators from downsiding , implimenting too quickly, or resisting while feeding
- 34.My approach to people who don't see my tinkerer-trailblazer-prototyper task as useful
- 28.My understanding of Gerber's prototyping of HIS support task
- 60.HOw to prototype a community annimation process diferent from the administrator's
- 73.The kinds of things that can be learned autodidactically
- 20. Standard Research techniques and the ones I know
- 21.How I conduct basic research to solve a problem or make a decision
- 49.How I get the information out without getting swamped by squelchers
- 74. Keeping the learning curve slope within manageable range-learning on the run
- 75.The amount of preparation/power neded fro community animation
- 39.Preparations required as preparation for community animation
- 76.How to write a remume or proposal
- 77.Tracking version of your QB
- 40.The normal developmental pace for a community animation firm
- 51.Finding others who provide resources for professionals in "helping fields"
- 55.Finding the relative distribution of gift mixes in the population
- 53. Relation of the gifts process (etc) to other "base" systems in community animation
- 54.Identifying traits which stand in best for gifts or gift mixes
- 93. Predicting the movenemt patterns of each gift mix
- 94.The role of the compassion person in relation to community animation
- 96.A T/R-C/P statement of task which rings true in community animation process
- 162.The administrator's time organization methods and their irrelovance for community animation work
- 52.How to avoid "lock on" by people designing project proposals or sorting out "gifts"
- 95. Dealing with T/R neg reaction to input from autodidactic learning input
- 87. Dealing with Admin's "push-pull" tendancies at the point of entry on a project
- 8. My solution in relation to key frustrations and perceptions of perceivers
- 56.The gifts I feed off from and feed off to
- 138.Coping with a low administrator git in a situation that requires one
- 85. How to feed off to per-admin's effectively
- 90.Getting a per-admin to ask the relevant key questions for that gift mix
- 86.How to obtain up-front "hover time" to selct target areas in face of antsy admin's
- 30.The relationship between dad's work and mine in relation to call
- 84.panning for the good acceptabel and perfect will of god, like panning for gold
- 80.Where I am on my work history map
- 79.Seeing the larger picture of where I 'm going
- 70.HOw to correct course when on a bad track which is unfolding badly
- 2. The life-tasks best suited for my gift mix
- 36. The activities I do as a leading priority
- 41. a methodological summary of my way
- 33.My approach to barriers to supplying one main enabling point to those drowning in detail
- 89.HOw I keep from tripping out on too many new ideas
- 91.How to keep from getting overwhelmed with detail
- 27. My catagories of operation for community animation
- 57.The diference between an administrator's binder system and mine
- 58.How to develop a gift-appropriate binder system
- 10.The gift-appropriate catagories for my life book
- 9.The best methods for clustering materials for my gift mix re self organization
- 6.My use of statements and qusetions as headers for sections
- 19.How to keep my data sorted for easy access and sorting
- 18. HOw to keep new materials flowing into the resource bank and old ones culled out
- 13.My backup process for minimizing loss risk of my scripture and information
- 17.My review system for connecting data I already have with current events
- 16. My use of the information I have gleaned and stored
- 61.Developing systems solutions which can act as seed routenes and automatic results
- 68.Handling details when it does ot come naturally
- 48.How i keep from getting overstimulated and incapacitated from too much need
- 32.The aspect of media I do best
- 31.My understanding of the 8 hours a day dream
- 22 How i avoid a sot of weight adn stress inherant in flying by the seat of my pants
- 23.Standard media production techinques and the ones I know
- 24.My approach to the agressiveness of media
- 15.The content I best produce with theis gift-mix and the clues for further output
- 14. Topics I could write about with some tuning up with some research
- 7. How I best make my gift-specific resources available to people
- 46. How I make slow release resources so as not to over-feed clients
- 47. How I provide long-term assistance for peole with short term contact
- 11. My method of resource provision when I 'm gone or not available
- 12.My approach to situations where peole are not ready or able to hear my input
- 35.Waht I train people in adn how I go about it
- 38.A good crisp statement of the media based field unit approach to community animation
- 29.Why community animation is my task rather than community development
- 25.My gift-based model for community animation (no T/R type arrobgance adn individualism)
- 26.The difference between community animation and (current) community development
- 1. The distilation of my task
- 97.The T/R (Giver?) gift mix priorities
- 98.How I go about making decisions
- 99. How I bring ballance into my life
- 100. Stimulating day to day life and growth
- 101.Enc-Giver style / method of doing life
- 102. Boosting a sagging gift quickly
- 103.Reverse engeneering a gift mix from biographical sources
- 104.The clashing , augmenting, and neutralizing effects of two or more strong gifts
- 105. My system for generating , collecting, and harvesting da5ta about myself for seed
- 106. My way of converting 3/4 slump into a useful tool
- 107. Identifying my transferable skills
- 108. How I blend my top gifts so they work for me rather than against me.
- 109. Integrating a meaningful picture of myself from an assortment of test results etc.
- 110.Getting past a point of holding position in healing
- 111.My process for upgrading my daily devotional period
- 112.Ongoing spritual growth and the pass through to others
- 113.First steps in buiding /rebuiding life
- 114.What to do when you feel stagnand or becalmed
- 115. The relationship between gift-mix and teh long and short workscriptural links appropriate to gift mix
- 117. Abiding in Christ and its meaning for me
- 118. Escaping the fantasy loop response to pent up anger
- 119.Identifying and resolving chronic or yo-yo pain
- 120. Stabalizing wild mood swings and unstable emotions
- 121 Sitting on my emotions when tough close problems arise so as to get the job done
- 122 A quick method fo ridentifying and resolving an emotional backlog of unresolved grief
- 123. Improving the gratitude attitude
- 124. What to do when all hell breaks loose
- 125. preventing and pulling out of emotional burn-out
- 126.Dealing with massive emotional freight in by-sell situations form past situations
- 127.Coping with / preventing strong emotional waves in business finance area (past)
- 128. Pulling out of incipient emotional spins and identifying their triggers
- 129 the basic flow of hte 12 step program and its usefulness
- 130. Serving the lord your god with your ...mind
- 131. A gift-appropriate approach to integrating scriptureal insight in life
- 132. my gift-appropriate approach to autodidactic learning
- 133. A gift-approapriate appraoach to learning second -language so it is functional
- 134. Gift mixes and integration of learning with autodidactic learning approach
- 135. Gift mix adn the selection and learning of software
- 136.Surmounting the 6 booby trap areas in formal education
- 137. Driving your won truck in the formal education system
- 78. Charting formal and life experience education to date
- 140.Nutrition adn physical output for healthy ful span potential life
- 141. Getting enough physical activity as a community animator
- 142.Getting good nutrition as a community animator esp on the road
- 143. Keeping your weight under control as a community animator especially on the road
- 144. HOw to prevent overload from excessive peole contact as a community animator
- 145. Selecting tasks appropriate to your gift-mix in community animation work
- 146. Keeping family relationships healthy adn growing in community animaiton work
- 147. Gift mixes and the maintainance of good extended family in community animation work
- 148. Integrating different goals and priorities with your spouse in community animation work
- 149. turning differing gift-mixes in marriage to family advantage
- 150. Disentangling the personal life and work aspects in community animation work
- 151.Coping with sickness and injury in community animation work
- 44. How I try on things in my mind wiht people without committing prematurely
- 152. cutting down impulsive responses , flitting, overreacting, adn being silly as an enc-giver
- 153. System for priorizing life activities and redeeming the time
- 154. Organizing oneself in relation to time as an encourager-giver
- 155. Capturing behavior patterns in relation to time for our giaft-mix
- 156. Identifying adn overcoming teh enc-givers key impediments to a self org system
- 157. Keeping the community componant of life from crowding out family life
- 158.making family time with conflicting schedules in community animation work
- 159. Manitoba's seasonal rythms and eth flow of work in community animation work
- 160. How to recapture your time as and encourager -giver in community animation work
- 161.Improving personal contentment with life direction in community animation work
- 163. Enc-Giver self organization methods in community animation work
- 164.A system for assessing and setting life priorities
- 165.Setting goals for encourager giver in community animation work
- 166. A system fo rpriorizing activities in cmmunity animation work
- 167. Identifying My Encourager-Giver rythms and tempo of life
- 168. Time allocation for the encourager giver
- 171. Bringing family finances under control as an encourager giver
- 170. Maintainance of tidy work space
- 172. A way to get things returned when loaned out
- 173. Travelling light yet having what is needed
- 174. Scripture learnings on stewardship and money and resources
- 175.Theft and misappropriation of funds for the enc-giver- preventing trouble
- 176. Recouping overpaid loans
- 177.Barter exchanges pros and cons
- 178.Enc-giver as junk collectors- motivation and resolution
- 179.Developing really appropriate gifts as enc-givers
- 180.Preventing employer rip-offs and underpayment as enc-givers
- 181.Resolving holiday style with spouse and family
- 182Pulling ones load financially where4 ther is no employment for the second spouse
- 183.Priorizing where one would like to live
- 184. Coping with low interest in dealing with things as an encouragr
- 185.Appropriate clothing as an encourager giver
- 186Keeping from being swamped by chores and maintainance as an encourager giver
- 187. Priorizing family space and equipment needs as an encourager giver
- 4. Preparations needed to work with the giver financier group
- 37. An articulation of what it is I do within Comunity
- 139. Nutrition , life quality, and life extension