Technologiacl Transfer Based Approaches to Local Economic Development
The large-scale aspect of technology transfer is taking place at the level of interventions by governments in order to facilitate the transfer of research and development results from the universities and community collages to businesses willing and able to develop them into marketable products.As mentioned in the general introduction page to this topic, this process is taking place on a global scale, and is open to companies of all different shapes and sizes. Any region, company, town or group could investigate such opportunities and see what could be put together as a package. With so much by way of resources available on the web today which can facilitate the development and expansion of businesses to handle such innovative products, it is much easier to move ahead with such projects.
Essentially what governments are doing is funding "middlemen" companies of various types to broker such projects and ensure that all parties are protected. The varying types of agreements can be seen on their websites.
This is perhaps one of the most exciting areas in local economic development today. A sampling of sites are listed below that relate to technology trnsfer.
Further Resources:
- Canada - Manitoba Trade Investment team
- Doug Fortune's Tech Transfer Links
- Agriculture Tech Transfer -Canada's site
- Canada partners - Manitoba on the list with links
- Explanation of the Oak Ridge transfer approach
- Detail on a new book on the subject
- Training for tech transfer workers
- Tech Transfer contacts in other countries - links
- Manitoba Technology Center- Manitoba's middleman
- Manitoba Tax credit for R&D Infrastructue
- UN Conference on tech Transf and emerging nations
- Welcome to Manitoba Trade and Investment
- What can tech transfer do for Economic Development ?
- University sites
- Role of Community Colleges in Economic Development