High Tech Approaches to Local Economic Development

The products which are the focus of the huge government initiatives to facilitate technology transfer have their source in the Government labs and University Research and Development projects around the world. This Technology transfer process itself is dealt with elsewhere on this site, but here the development of such research sites themselves is examined as a way of boosting the economic activity of an area. Needless to say, this approach to local economic development is not an option to everybody, but it is presented as it is an option for some.

Just being aware of the types of requirements that such research facilities need and the process that is undertaken by other jurisdictions can often help peel interested in local economic development in smaller locales, such as The Westman area, to see the sort of process, thinking, and creativity which others have used to improve their situations. Sometimes that awareness is sufficient to stimulate a parallel action at a smaller scale in an area such as ours. Many of the principles are indeed transferable.

The links below lead to the sections where the several common approaches to this task of high tech development are outlined, along with listings of some sites relevant to such activities.

High Tech Ec. Dev.
