Index - #1 - Sub-Set of One-Off Poems - Photo (for A.T.)
These poems will be posted sequentially with the other poems and this index will identify items relating to this sub-set.
My purpose in working through material is to be alert for graphic design elements which might be of use in the art-form I am in process of developing. The use of a mix of text, photographs and graphic elements is common for magazines, short stories and poetry, and there have been some forays of late into the use of graphics in novels...I wish to explore the use a mix of all three elements for novel presentation, with an eye for both print and the emerging digital platforms.
The poems below are responses of various aspects of Photo use for augmented text...some poems relate to process, some to impact, some to thoughts that spun off in me. They constitute a good set of personal notes on the experience of developing this technique. Poetry was used because It is concise while inviting me in when I return after further exploration of the art-form, in a non-restrictive way.
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1. From the Journey through Cancer-land Period
2. Apostolic Ministry Development Period
3. From the Doing Business Period
4. From the Apostleship Period
from 4-2-3
from 4-3-1
- "The Explorer" (Isaiah 42:15-17) (31/Aug/2016) Stu as "scout" to find the best place for a crossing, and conveying results with photography
- "King Saul" (I Sam.1:9ff) [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (08/Sept/2016) An Example of a Bible writing base.
from 4-3-2
- "Is Body-Life O'er Arching?" (Hebrews 11:1) (Sept/24/2016) Where I saw that my task was to make Christ's insights accessible
so kids get exported out of here in high quality. How they are conveyed is secondary to results. from 5-1-1
- “Poetry ” (Sept/27/2016) Poetry works like any other art form in he Art Therapy process.
- “Photo-Release ” (Philippians 2:1-11) (Oct/02/2016) The value of photography as a tool for saying difficult things so people can understand.
- “Moneyed Eyes ” [A-T Series #1] (Oct/04/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, the upcoming cataract surgery and photography.
- “Art ” [A-T Series #4] (Oct/14/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, the ephemeral nature of digital photography as opposed to the hand in the cave in Spain that is thousands of years old and still visible.
- “Signs And Signals ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (Oct/14/2016) God guides our giving, and photography can be part of that.
- “One Off ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (Oct/14/2016) Reflection on Photography and Meadow-wood- and one off projects as playing a role.
- “Son Stu's War Of Art ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (Oct/14/2016) Play on words and reflection on Photography in Meadow-Wood
from 5-1-2
- “Five Smooth Stones” (Oct/28/2016) Reflection on upcoming cataract surgery and photography.
- “I Can See Clearly Now” (Oct/28/2016) Connection between "8 hours a day Photography" and "Meadow-Wood"
from 5-1-3...nil
from 5-2-1 period
- “Ingredients To Hear ” (Isaiah 43:19; 43:5-7; 54:11; 65:24; Jer. 31:18-22, 31-34; Ezek. 36:30; Amos 9:13-15; Luke 14:15-21; 15:22-24) [Reflections on book – Finally Comes The Poet by Walter Brueggemann, Intro and Chap.1A] (Nov/13/2016) Quoting Walt Whitman's saying that when all is said and done by other sectors of society, the poet/artist/ preacher still has a thing or two
to say about the world we fashion, the author says it is time to say difficult things to the dominant society.- “Though I Like Blue” [A-T Series #7 (Dec/11/2016) ” (20/Dec/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, it is the processing of the inter-relationships of TCK, Kingdom layer and a Giver-Finance culture.
from 5-2-2
- “Solo Life ” (20/Dec/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, a reflection on the challenge of how to initiate joint activity at work, knowing that sold work in today's world is silly.
- “Near Miss" [A-T pix #8A] (28/Dec/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, The processing the dynamics of continuity and change at a critical juncture at work.
- “Who's In The Hood?" [A-T pix #8B] (Poem Withheld temporarily) (29/Dec/2016)The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, the imagery of rod and camera emerge once more.
- “Son Two" [A-T pix #9] (Poem Withheld temporarily) (29/Dec/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, the upcoming Costa Rica trip is being reflected upon.
- “The Three Foot Circle ” (29/Dec/2016) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, Zorro's three foot training circle (in my case 8 hours a day photography) is a great way to sort out what needs to be packed for a trip.
- “Above The Fray ” (12/01/2017) A nice pun for a researcher's T-shirt is "The reason I'm here is I don't know"...and the Kingdom
Layer is a great perspective from which to conduct research and communicate the resultsfrom 5-2-3
- “Joseph " [A-T series #10] (Poem withheld temporarily) (09/Mar/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, expats bring us treasures from other cultures, which can be of great help in upcoming situations we have not yet encountered.
- “Amen-d" [A-T Series # 11 ]( )[Poem Withheld Temporarily] (14/Mar/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, That we can indeed be nourished by the bread of life, but we must eat it
we must implement its guidance in order to benefit from it.- “No Other Place " [A-T Series #12 ] [Poem Withheld Temporarily](1 Cor.15:24-28) (14/Mar/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, That there is nothing that can bring a person closer to God or farther from God...despite our subjective feelings on the matter.
- “Her Eyes " [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (20/Mar/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, that the microcosm of our lives often gives us , as artists, insight into the larger dynamics of community life later.
- “The Picture's Bleak " [A.T. Series #14A][Poem Withheld Temporarily] (24/Mar/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, All experience informs us as creators of art.
- “Where To From This? " [A.T. Series #14B][Poem Withheld Temporarily] (24/Mar/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, that sometimes in a whiteout, it is best to pause and not take a step until vision clears.
from 5-2-4
- “August, 78" () [AT series #15-20] (04/Apr/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, that our learnings from life's journey can often be of assistance to our fellow travelers on life's road..
- “What It All Means " () [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (04/Apr/2017) Biblical-based photography can be a "lamp to people's feet".
from 6-1-1
- “And Then It Ends” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (May/28/2017) The residuals of one project often form the seed for the next, as in grain farming.
- “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn” [A.T. series #21A] - (Matt:5:4) (June/05/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, regarding that in an ocean storm,
there are two peaks for every valley in the waves..- “What Evil Is” [A.T. series #21B] (June/05/2017) The production of art in any form tends to reveal our current subconscious, regarding the nature of evil.
- “On Black And White ” (June/13/2017) One way to recycle old view cameras, and harness their power is to attach a scanner to the back, rather than a chip.
from 6-2-1 - nil
from 6-2-2
- “Inversion Of Gifts? ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (Sept/25/2017) Don't lose perspective, everything changes, except eternal principles (of God's Word).
- “Smashing Things ” [Reflection on Jonathan Taplin’s Book Move Fast And Break Things ] ( ) (Oct/04 /2017 ) Digital is more ephemeral than Silver based paper photography, and the destructive
tendencies of the digital moguls is already suspect. Act accordingly.from 6-2-3
- “The Point Of Turning ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] ( Oct/22/2017) On seeing part of the road ahead we must be cautious about going off half-cocked, and wrecking things up.
- “Parting Grace ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (Nov /06/2017) Sometimes when we have planted losses as seed, to restrain oneself
and not overreact to new opportunities what appear at first blush to be harvest of such activities.- “They Can't Remember ”[War Series] (Acts Ch.10-11) [Poem Withheld Temporarily] (Nov /11/2017) The center pin of a pinwheel is where you can stand amidst the whirl in order to take your photographs.
5. From the Meadow-Wood Period
- “Gracias Señor” (Genesis 11:1-9; Luke Chapter 15) (Nov/25/2017) A Photograph is a way God blows a forgiving kiss to repentant people. in a way they can hear it.