“Charts” [Reflections On Book - 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne - #60]
I chart therefore I’m “here” –
My graphic makes it clear;
I’ve this much more to go,
Now ways and means I know –Or else I’ll figure out
An alternate; if doubt
Assails my forward path,
As no one’s there to ask.It was not always thus,
But wartime captures us
With forces use of maps,
And concepts (now in apps).Dimensions often fall,
For there’s no need at all
To admix time with place,
If premium’s on space.To cut right to the chase
(To use a film as case),
A “Storyboard” is used,
Then concept is diffused –Amongst a waiting team,
Who grasp concluding scene;
Our world abstracts it’s truth
To map efficient roots.Venn diagrams, and Gant,
Flow charts, with details scant,
All serve the larger game,
Though differences remain.Such graphics could be laid
Subconsciously, and made,
Suggesting in the text,
Ideas – “What comes next?”For deep within each brain
A tendency remains
To seek each pattern out,
And clarify each doubt.Thanks Lord for this.