“Exclusionary Stats” [Canadian economy series – labor force –A-6]
Then the “Big boys” like to tally up their stats,
Not including other folk (for they get zapped);
Only stats which are relevant to them
Are the stats they can grasp – twist and bend.Like the doctors making “wait lists” seems so short
“Start the clock just before we go to work
So the rest (now defined out of the scene)
Do not count” – Nelson’s eye is what that’s been.If First Nations – you don’t count in worker stats;
From the north? You don’t even get to bats;
Out of work more than four weeks? We don’t care;
Whistle blow? That’s too bad – you’re not team player.On it goes – have a baby? You get sick?
You’re too old, or too young, just a chick–
Take a hike, we want “Willing worker” types,
Who are “Able” – helps perspective stay in tight.What’s that leave? Corporate players dumbing down –
Service jobs at rock-bottom, near the ground;
And the owners of these enterprises theirs;
Upper ranks, who outsource to third-world players.Take “Third layer” they call “Tertiary scene” –
That’s now grown way beyond where work has been
In the past – drawing value from the earth;
Those that process, and support with other work.Handicapped? One Tim Hortons made a change –
Redesigned – worker-space they rearranged;
Only hire (and look after), handicapped;
Loyal crew – their morale exceeds all stats.Lord, if I were out there hiring folks these days,
I’d use “Rejects”, pay them each a living wage;
Take those seniors with a life of wisdom held
In good hearts – let them with young workers meld.Thanks Lord for this.