“First Words” [Spanish writing series]

Quatro”, was my first-term word
(Though spelled with “c-u” I have heard;
A joke – but it was starting point
For me down at the Jesus’ joint.

Te amo” was a term I used
(Then got a swat for its abuse);
I felt it, though I talk too much –
Shoot self in foot with needless guff.

Then “Mucho gusto” came to light –
I’ve just a clue how it’s used right;
Something about “Great pleasure here”,
So term like that makes feelings clear.

Mon DiosySenor Jesus”,
Both come to mind, can now be used;
And, “Santo” as with “Spiritus” –
Big three in one (“Uno”, at least).

Now, Dora (of Explorer fame)
Had words for kids mixed in with games,
On cartoons used, “Ariva” term –
“Up, up, away” – some children learned.

Ah! “Gracias, Senor”, I heard,
At church when Pedro preached the word;
Marcella prayed – quite grateful they,
For so I learned – I heard them a pray

Perdon” – quite close to pardon is;
Precencia” (from worship biz),
Another term – at meaning guess –
But that’s a trap, I shift to next.

“Oh” is a term which both groups use
(It interjects, if I should choose
To pray, “Levanter manos”, praise –
(Some word with “a” friend Toto says.

Then, “Corizon” – fond memories
Of couple’s love – one word quite pleased –
With grin he answered, “heart” when asked,
“What is that word from worship past?”

El Molinillo” – pinwheel’s swirl,
With one for each we boy and girl;
There’s “Y” for “and”, and “O” for “or”;
Can’t say that I now know much more.

Of course, there’s structure, tools, and such,
My website pages – links too much
That now exists out on the net,
And spreadsheet’s columns; hymns, and yet –

I’m feeling at a juncture now –
My tools in place, with furrowed brow
I quick review my option-links;
Go for walk to pause and think –

“So what is best for me right now?”
I ask myself – both what and how –
Tool-making has with structure built
A base for work, a cow to milk.

So – “Writing” – I can do that much –
A bit each day, some words and such;
It matters not if they are “great”;
It’s more to ramp up output rate.

So here we are, I’m writing, no?
Some Spanglish, culled from head to toe
“Foot – digit”, term I now recall –
Didget o pied” – I think – that’s all.

Thanks Lord for this.
