“Economic Engine” [A-3 Canadian economy book reflection series]
I had not seen centrality
Of manufacture – now I see
It makes the goods, adds value to
Materials – feeds me and you.Those services adhering there,
Consulting, parts, and quick repairs,
Need central hub on which to lean,
With goods produced for trade – it seems –I hadn’t ’counted in our ways
Of off-sure buying (much less pay
For goods the same or better now,
Than when produced by local crowd).His chapter on the local scene
In early eighties – now has been
Fulfilled in spades – branch plant to Yanks –
Abused I’d say, with little thanks.I need to look at “Free Trade” deal
Perhaps it’s Trump (who spins that wheel)
Who’ll open up new days for us,
As he provokes his constant fuss.How else can we now spur new growth?
Not “Post” but “De” of what he spoke
“Industrial” – low service hours;
Not high-tech jobs in business towers.For branch-plants don’t export their goods;
Goods are designed for neighborhoods;
Just like “Dumb days ’neath Union Jack”
Once more exploited – ’magine that!He shows a way to view the scene,
Not just in “Sectors”, as has been
Our way ’till now but “Forest-like”
As clumps of factors nestled tight –And at each center, factory
That’s owned by us, which sets us free
To make some product, good, or way
Which others want (new export day).For taxes, levies, duties, such,
Fund government, and service – much
In need as boomers fade away
To nursing homes, young have their day.As such we are “Periphery”,
Or “Hinterland” to Yanks – I see
It’s not our system where we work,
But Yankee one – and that’s berserk.For young see clearly – “They don’t need
My education, for they feed
On us from South, send big boys in
To run branch plants – we can’t begin –“To grow up into wisdom, strength,
But play our games, veg-out – at length
Despairing – sold out by ourselves,
To “Import-goods”, and local hell.”“Short-term” is death in point of view,
But that for us is nothing new;
When will we smarten up, join in?
Our global village-life begin.“Free trade”, he said, “okay some day;
But now? Disaster waits that way;
For we’re sold out to Yankee cash,
Which makes it worse” – Go Trump! – and fast!”Thanks Lord for this.