“A Billion For A buck” [Reflections on John Perkins’ Book, The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman –pp. 274-275]
From years aught-nine to seventeen,
That’s thirty quarters in between,
The growth goes on and on quite well
Obscuring parts which this man tells –Like ninety-five percent of wealth
Goes to the “One percent” – then tells
Us every billion made gives one
Yank-dollar to the plebs when done.For eighty-three folk in the world
Own over half, if truth be told,
Of wealth on earth – each year gets more;
Which preaches well – though questions for –This man arise – of equities
Held by our pensions (thirty T’s);
And infrastructure – what of that?
Who cares if some are getting fat?But then, of course, I read that there’s
Corruption mixed with civic care,
Which says that we’ve a ways it go
’Till Kingdom comes to earth below.But that aside, I still pursue,
“How marketing for me and you
Can now be done to make some dough
In world at present – place we know?Like any game, there’s rules and ways;
There’s booby-traps; things people say,
Which just aren’t true; so stay on guard –
Eye on the ball, though that be hard.The ball? Yes I have “Product” here
I need to move – that part is clear;
The Internet has made a way
For me to do that – then get paid.So what I seek is factors there
Which I don’t see, but must prepare
For now – like course of obstacles,
Despite old Satan’s tentacles.Some folks live head-in-sand, and think
It’s “Yesterday” – and they should blink;
But in such innocence I find
A peacefulness that comes to mind.For they don’t sweat tomorrow’s gigs,
Or dwell upon how game is rigged –
“I know it, and can’t change a thing;
So live the life which each day brings.“I used to sweat that evil stuff,
And then one day awoke – enough’s
Enough I said, MYOB –
It’s how I’ll live – on bended knee”.So here I am, the Kingdom’s known;
I’ve moved up here – it’s now my home;
So what’s my problem now, I ask –
Then settle back – re-start my task.Thanks Lord for this.