“How Then Shall We Live?”
Two sets of rules laid out for us –
An in-group set, which cuts the fuss
For those “they” want to keep involved;
The other not as much – resolved –“They” are to have it seen to be,
A level playing field for me
As much as others in the game –
So make two sets look “just” the same.I work the off-ramp day by day –
Help people up and out to play
Once they’ve been shown the door – not fit
For long-term play, past "rush" of it.For like the frat, sorority,
Exclusiveness excludes; you see,
That’s what all groups and nations are –
Two sets of rules, door slight ajar.So Lord, denominations seem
“Fraternal”, of the mean and mean;
Sororities without the glitz;
Religious snobs, with house not fixed.How shall we live, then, Lord of all?
Third chunk of thirty-five is small
Enough to get some living done,
Yet long enough to have some fun.I like this view, it has some class;
I like the way it dumps the past,
While opening the future up
With freshness – asks we skip the fluff –And make this world a better place
For all of our (still) human race;
Will life demand within next set
We “rush” space-folk who do not fit?Then question will assail once more –
“What makes us human at the core?”
“How shall we live then, Lord?” You see –
I’m just as trapped – exclusively.Thanks Lord for this.