“Answers?” [Paul’s sermon on first Corinthians – series – #2] (I Cor.1:4-10, 18-25;Eph.4:9-16)

Should I answer that, my friend?
Does this conversation end
With dismissal ignorant,
Midst a Sunday morning rant?

“What’s one do with words like that?”
Maybe face the awkward fact
That the God you understand
Is your part that’s come to hand.

“It’s just personality”
“God’s not talking, don’t you see?”
Well, that’s what I’m trying to say –
It’s quite fine to live your way –

But that’s not the whole, it’s part;
Each one comes as body part;
Hand’s not “right” compared with foot;
Eye with ear – Paul undertook –

To convey that concept here;
Make mistaken views quite clear –
“It’s Christ’s body-part you are,
Born and filled that way, by Gar”.

Why must all be just like you?
Facing God – it’s something new
For all generations new –
Lots of ways to speak with you.

Why can’t people now be free
To relate, to hear, and see,
Ways which they can understand –
Play their parts in Savior’s hand?

“Three ways God can speak to us
Through the Bible, prayer, (no fuss) –
Or activity in life,
Flagging aspects when time’s right.

“One’s not better”, that man said,
“Just three ways by which we’re led;
When we can’t hear in one way,
Change the channel – read; act; pray.”

When I’m chatting with my wife,
I soon learned in early life,
What she said, or meant, at least,
I’d not heard – so I got teased –

That’s like God, who speaks with each,
What I hear, I own – for reach
To the heavens some static has,
Midst the calm or razzmatazz.

Don’t pooh-pooh what you don’t know;
Mind yourself while here below;
Don’t parade an ignorance,
Stating “Life’s all in my fence”.

For it’s not – that is Paul’s point –
It’s just part – God did appoint
Many parts to body-life –
Play your part, and skip the fight.

Most folks think there’s just one way –
(“Road I came to here, today”) –
That’s okay, I’ve come to see,
Better theirs than road for me.

Clergy task is help folks grow
Into who they’ve come to know
As the person in God’s mind,
At each baby-making time.

Each one has a role unique
(God thought up “variety”);
Help them grow up to be them;
Strengthen what the world would bend.

Take the error UCC
Makes – it’s driven folks like me
From their midst – “That’s unity!”
No, “Homogeneity” –

That’s a “Faction”, like one leg –
Great as body part, but laid
On a table in a morgue,
It lacks body’s smorgasbord.

So, “Discern the body, Mac”
Paul observed, “or life you’ll lack –
First you’re weak, then sick, then dead –
Give a shake to pretty head."

Sure it’s “personality” –
“Gifts” some call it – can’t you see?
We’re not like you – that’s okay –
How God made us starting day.

Think you are the Air Force, man?
Congregation’s ground-crew? (land,
Then take off – we’ll pot-shots take –
“Win our war, for Goodness’ sake”).

Paul says, “That’s reversed, my friend –
Clergy’s ground crew, who will mend,
Build you up, and send you out
To the battle you’re about.

“They equip for ministry,
Help each child of God to be
Body-part within Christ’s whole
Body – each part with a role.

What’s assumption of your quip? –
“All should live their lives like this;
Which you see me live so well;
This works best – and our group’s swell?”

Well, it’s not, it’s great for you –
You can live the way you do;
That’s quite helpful for your type
Paul’s epistle says it right –

“Be the one God wants to see
You grow up, mature, to be –
Part of something larger still,
Christ as mind, conveying will.”

Thanks Lord for this.
