
So, what’s the role of poetry
As I progress? It helps me be
The person God has had in mind
Since at the first – for I am blind.

Right brain it is that drags me ’round;
Gives trouble (kept me on the ground) –
But now I’m here on Kingdom-layer,
My poetry relates to prayer.

It lets me get out of my head
Stuff I can’t see, for when it’s read
I see and hear through synapse paths
Connecting fragments that I have.

I’m oft surprised how it all hangs,
And how God wanders through its pangs
Of remorse (past), and hopeful days;
Gives guiding words re: how it lays.

It’s not that right brain’s just a tool
Which makes us operate as fools;
It’s that, of course, but it’s good too,
Replacing left brain’s crash that’s new.

So Lord, I thank You for art’s place
In life, as I traverse this space;
For giving place to feelings vent,
Lest they wreck tasks for which I’m sent.

I’m sent? Why that’s what I don’t see –
Then, when I do, it flees from me;
I’ve endless tools to combat loss,
But turn my head, and it’s been tossed.

So Lord, it would be great, I guess
To have some way to this address;
But hey – I’m curious indeed –
Now right-brain, to such answers lead.

Thanks Lord for this.
