“Other-Wise” (Rom.12:1-8; I Cor.12; Eph.4:1-16)

You asked, “Where does this come from every day
You send a poem’s insight off my way?
I’d like to climb inside your head and see
What factors bring perspectives new to me.”

There’s lots I guess, but mostly I don’t know –
“Dyslexic’s” part, through multi-views, mind shows
A multitude of ways to view each thing
At once, which lets me choose best view to bring.

Around here, “other” is not favored much –
“If you don’t think like us, we cannot touch
Perspectives which you bring, for “Other-wise”
May be the best for us, but no-one buys.

I’m “Other” in a lot of other ways –
Christ Jesus came into my life to save
Me from a road I’d taken by mistake;
Here, other-wise, I now to life awake.

I’m Creenglish, TCK, which means I’m “out” –
Not Cree or English, clearly, there’s no doubt –
The Crees see “English”; English, “Cree”, (I laugh –
I’m both at once, with view that’s whole, not half).

I’ve stepped up on the Kingdom-layer with Christ
As Lord of life – perspective here is nice;
Besides, the world below this plastic layer,
Is cut right off – such freedom can’t compare –

To anything – but they can have it too;
View it as “Kite with string” – whatever’s new
By way of metaphor for freedom’s layer –
A place to dance, unblocked by other players.

Of seven gifts I’m strong in mix of three;
Of nine Paul writes of, Christ discerns through me
The Spirit of the times – through words I ask
Around until He says, “That’s it!”, at last.

Of five gifts Jesus gives to all mankind
As “packaged-people”, ones who share His mind,
I’m just Apostle, though my wife would add,
“Apossible to live with – which is sad”.

I’m interactive with the world around,
And Triune-God (best metaphor I’ve found);
Not “Active”, “Passive”, like the other folks,
Which makes me “Other-wise” with puns and jokes.

I’m just a half-vast person in the end –
My “Better-half” (my “Straight-man”), often sends
Me out to mow the lawn – cuts her a break,
Some semblance of a life then she can make.

So where’s it come from? “Goodness” only knows –
Left-brain suppressed, and off my right-brain goes;
As child I grew with left and right as whole –
Evangelists and Lib’rals fed my soul.

Content I am to spread my heresies
(“Part of the gospel, viewed as all by me”),
For balance is in body, not in one;
As part of whole, abandoned-life is fun!

Thanks Lord for this.
