“That Candle In The Gloom”

What is this Church with vision lost?
Just fragments now, like salad, tossed
Together, no coherence there –
In meeting, fragments showed their care.

One asked about the cost in cash;
Another, whether die was cast,
And we just rubber-stamped done deal;
Gave needed help to prep the meals.

Some said that “It’s just family”
Well, “Two, and they’re not core – you see
One’s new; one’s pastor’s; there’s so few of ‘us’;
‘We had our day’; ‘We’re old’; ‘Hate muss’.

But they prevailed – in room was seen
The “nays” subdued – though less than keen;
I sensed – “our club – we call the shots”
“Much more of this and we’ll just stop”.

Lord, at the cycle’s bottom, now
I pray Your life – through us allow
Your life to flow to world around,
Your Kingdom come – life-giving ground.

Thanks for Your chance to see quite clear
The breakthrough-time, which, coming near,
To those around will pour out light
Into this world of ancient blight.

Thanks Lord for this.
