“Let The Children Come” (Matt 19:13-15)

I knew this woman, long ago it seems,
Whose journey’s now through cancer-land, which means
That life’s consumed with issues – life and death
A mind-full trap in which we’re quite obsessed.

“That’s good, not bad”, instructor Tombs informed
Our newbie-class – “for by it we are warned
If body-resource – heart, and soul, and mind,
Join with the body – speeding healing – kind –

“Of like a way to monitor resource
Which heals within, which we can’t see, of course;
But if our eyes and ears can hear through words
A “focus new”, then physical is heard.

“For when attacked, all resource rushes in
To stem the tide of loss – in cancer, when
Our cell’s attacked, obsessed we are, through pain;
We focus in ’till health returns again.

“So don’t ‘Forbid the children come’,
For it is good – by such the battle’s won;”
I hear the fight is raging deep within;
Lord bless her life – may she this battle win.

Thanks Lord for this.
