“Wayfarer’s Blessing”

“Just one of anything, these days”, he said,
“Is problematic – lots on this I’ve read –
If you’ve a set, or series, river flows,
Then life can work, and you can now dispose –

“Of artifacts you’ve made, alone, as team;
Loss-leadership is possible, I mean;
With one, you give, and then it’s gone, you need
To use the best you’ve got as planted seed.”

I sucked in air – I had not seen that part;
With poetry, and novels, photo-art,
There’s quite a bit (in me much more I know
Is there, each day I can’t restrain the flow).

As one, it’s half as much I do;
A team I need, and so I’m asking you,
I wonder how this all begins to flow
Out in the world that we might come to know –

How best to pull a team into this place
Of wonder-full abundance – Kingdom-grace?
I’m hearing, “If a seed abides alone,
No crop appears, for storage-bin’s its home.

Lord, this is crazy – printed word is great
Now it’s undone – like “Manuscripts” of late –
“Calligraphy” is used as specialty
That part I get – old products from new trees.

“Stu, you must learn of evil’s side of things;
That to the table twisted life it brings;
Your Pollyanna view of life won’t hold;
I’m training you to live it out – be bold –

“Live in and through, not under, as I said;
Don’t talk, and write, advise, until you’re dead,
But enter in – live out My words of grace,
Here, on this Kingdom-layer’s Meadowed place.”

Lord, now I get it – let them come to me;
As they pass by rich treasured-time can be
For many, as they “Take and eat”, as You
Advised us all, until You come, to do.

Thanks Lord for this.
