"Now Mystery Invites" [Reflections On Book - 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne - # 53]

A play upon our senses – mystery
Erupts and calls us closer – “Come and see!
This bush that burns, and yet is not consumed;
The world’s not as you people have assumed.”

Mis-match in shadowed objects does the trick;
It seems okay, but something does not click;
Our right-brain’s turned on, tuned in to the shift;
Our sense of unknown gets an unseen lift.

Three-D upon a two-D surface flat,
Takes shape, and moves; doors open ’cause of that,
Into a universe that’s parallel –
Inviting through the wardrobe – Heaven? Hell?

Lord, as this graphics world emerges new,
And A.T. Book Works sees what it can do,
I sense this tool when used in Photoshop,
Could make a mystery novel seem to hop.

Thanks Lord for this.
