“Mosul” [Reflections On Book The The Book Of Philippians (Phil. 1:7-11)

I started up new walk the other day,
As far as from “The Peg” to English Bay;
To walk the walk of refugees, as one
With those whose walks have recently begun.

It’s Mosul where I chose to start my walk;
To Greece, past Philippi, of which we talk;
I’ll end in Thesoloniki, there in Greece –
A road torn up by war, desiring peace.

At Mosul Isis blows up artifacts,
Like walls of Nineveh, voice from the past;
The “Tomb of Jonah” gone in puff of smoke,
The end-point of the story author wrote.

While overhead our jet planes thunder death;
With laser-guided missiles suck the breath
Of those below; while Isis in their trucks
With C-5 cannons over desert rush.

This is the place where Cyrus took his stand,
Slipped into town and gained the upper hand;
Let exiles go back home – Isaiah’s words
We hear today which in that day were heard.

Three brothers tumbled in those ancient days –
First one on top, then others found their ways
To rule the roost – not much has changed since then;
A troubled time – alas we can’t defend –

Ourselves with righteousness, for it was us
Who ripped them off for oil back when the fuss
Of World War I wrapped up – we seized their land
As Paris-1919’s evil band.

Islam itself arose back at a time
When Christians, Jews, were jerks – what comes to mind
Is – now it’s them – all groups have stupid folks –
Look in the mirror – it’s time we all awoke.

For root and fruit of righteousness today
Are needed here, as I get under way
To walk the walk each day those many miles,
With refugees who now have walked a while.

St. Petersburg with nineteen million poor
Around their land – our world is like a sewer;
May love in us abound, judgment increase,
That poverty and wars for all might cease.

On Kingdom-layer we’re freed to do Thy will;
O Lord, increase in us Your love until
It overflows with fruit of righteousness,
And cleanses us from ancient bitterness.

Thanks Lord for this.
