"The Spread" [Reflections On Book The Canadian Economy Series B-8]
In Canada we’re way spread out,
With resource base, it leaves no doubt
That population (two percent)
Are scattered where their lives are spent.And they have living-needs as well,
So transfer-payments quickly tell
That provinces pick up the tab –
For education, health – we’re glad.So Feds are steady – central role
Collect the cash for ed, health, dole;
But provinces each run the show,
Deciding where such cash will go.One-quarter of all people toil
For government – and service soil
Is where their work is day by day;
But private too now work that way.So GST has shifted base
From goods produced; for in this case,
Those jobs are overseas, which leaves
Low service-jobs (folks are not pleased).So all of this a network is –
Resource and service – goods now use
“Offshore” to get their factories
Staffed cheaply – folks are less than pleased.With war costs down and healthcare up,
And education up to snuff,
It means we’ve problems up ahead –
Perhaps when Boomers are all dead.Thanks Lord for this.