“In Dying We Live”

Lord, it’s wonder-full when life we see spring up
In lives around (though life, for us is tough)
In sons and daughters, neighbors, kith and kin –
Sheep hear Your voice through us, new life begins –

Some brand new phase, through each of us some part;
Not to all folks, but to the ones whose hearts
Are well-prepared, like soil in garden fixed –
Packed soil torn up; hardpan and weeds now nixed.

As I recall the phases of my life –
Confusion’s reign, and endless locus’ blight –
Your hand throughout my days of dust and smoke
Held firm the task for me, of which You spoke –

That day back when I searched for clarity
(Vocation’s choice), poor tools with which to see;
But You pressed on, asked me to move along;
Be blessed and bless my kinfolk in Your song.

Each circle ’round of endless circling way
Into Your love, like Awkey-bird that day
He saw rise up, then catch the breeze aloft
To far off lands, with blessings You have wrought.

Lord, as this week unfolds for us, I pray
Unfolding life for each of us each day;
Help us to keep new life now springing up
In focused view, Your grace for life enough.

Thanks Lord for this.
