"Copy Me"

I’ve known a while I’m followed not,
But what folks do is copy lots
Of things I do – they get to choose;
The rest drifts on – what’s gone, they lose.

Expression heard from office types,
“Please copy me”, to get things right
When folks wish to communicate
Some word of truth they wish to state.

But “copy” there is other way –
“A note to me”; “Share what you say”
Not “Copy me” as “Imitate” –
I “copy now” – no longer wait.

I copy to my website scene,
My poetry of what has been
Important from this Kingdom-view,
To share with other folks like you –

A sample of that walk, at least
And some of exploration’s feast;
But now I turn to series push –
Through publication, people touch.

The software is quite good, but hard
To master inch-by-inch or yard;
It flows quite well ’till blocks arise –
Few documents where help should bide.

So room exists for newer fare
To us assist who show our care
With products made in digital,
That we might mission-task fulfill.

So if you copy me today
In website, publication’s way,
Just be on guard – the software sucks –
Their sloppy work despoils their touch.

And if you long for venture high
In days before you too must die,
Make software; make it better still,
And gap of need someday you’ll fill.

Thanks Lord for this.
