"Obfuscation." [Reflections on Book Capitalism Is Fallen, Elwin Kettner - Chap. 9a]
Bafflegab and obfuscation, ways and means they use,
’Till there is obliteration through the words we choose,
Of the truth – as Pilate asked them on that fateful day –
“What is truth?” For he detected men in power at play.Truth in daily application runs about four-fifths;
Cat gets one, and most accept that, for we can’t exist
In a healthy way of living in this world forlorn;
Pressing for a tighter system, makes blood-pressure warm.Problem is, when we are feeling one-fifth is the truth –
Maybe all this obfuscating has turned choosing loose,
Or some crisis in our living in community,
Sends a signal, all’s not well in land we view as free.Long-time flowing twixt the seed and seeing ripened crop,
Obfuscates true causal-factors, signaling to stop;
So we plug-in current factors, plausible perhaps,
Adding further to confusion, midst a great collapse.Thanks Lord for this.