"Two Lists?"

I started out one list – of guests
And curiosity – the rest
I left aside, but then there lay
Some major aspects still in play –

Which were, perhaps, in of themselves
A category – wherein dwells
The point of all – does Qwest divert
Attention from my major work?

Or maybe when it goes berserk,
And chase leads on – I lose my shirt
Because, addicted to the chase,
I do not finish – lose my place.

For I am not a writing team;
I work alone – trail where I’ve been
Streams out behind – though curious,
’Till memory drops – I’m furious.

So much has fallen to one side,
As off on ventures new I ride;
Lord, in this focus-task here now,
Please show the parts for me – and how –

To best press on, not be a fool,
But leverage things I learned at school
Into the work You’d do through me,
Now shift to Kingdom-layer’s been –

Big part of life; I press ahead
Through twilight years through which I’m fed
By Scripture-focus – help me see
Your place; my life; that products be –

Released like seed upon the ground,
That folks can take, and eat what’s found
To be of help for them each day,
As we press on, in You today.

Thanks Lord for this.
