"Cutouts" [Reflections On Book - 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne - #24 ]
“I’ve been there – what’s so good of that?”
We ask ourselves, relating;
When cut-out art we see displayed,
Each message not debating.Sophisticated, roughly cut,
Each letter-form creating
Impressions of the casual
While right-brain carbon dating.Matisse impacted other folks
With figure, sky and starlight;
In use today – foreground and back –
Collage that’s clear and childlike.I look back now – art therapy –
Collage a tool for talking;
We all found it so powerful,
Restoring to our walking.It simple looks, but as right brain
Pours out it’s basic message,
Discernment of a spirit world
Our present life addresses.Thanks Lord for this.