“The Flag”

When weather’s clear, the day is bright,
The flag is seen, a pretty sight;
But in the midst of battle fray,
“Oh can you see?” Are words we say.

The Stars & Stripes aren’t stars or stripes –
Two parts they are – one flag so bright;
In battle we lose sight of one;
“Oh can you see ’fore baffle’s won?”

Lord, at this time of change for us,
Internal and external fuss
Is like the day when battle’s pitched,
And we each struggle in some ditch –

We need that flag held high, aloft,
O’er dust and smoke where things are tossed
Aside as objects being crushed –
Our goods, possessions, alas – us.

So thank you for the boys who grab
The flag when someone lets it sag,
And holds it high that vision we
Not lose, that it see victory.

Thanks Lord for this.
