"Where Carried, We carry" [Module#435] (John 17:25-26)
Christ carried me o’er sandy beach,
Where rocks, and tides, and potholes, leech
The courage from our inner soul,
As I pursued Christ’s given goal.Already he on shoulders rode,
Then I became to Christ His load –
A double-triple-decker cone
We were, when cross the bottom roamed.You got us there, Lord Jesus – Thanks!
Without Your aid from leaving banks
Of river, ’cross the mud-flats stretch,
We’d not have made the goal-line yet.Lord, now as he moves on in life,
And I have realized aright
There is a Kingdom-layer for each,
That shifts my way of “doing beach” –For now, we’re all atop that layer,
Or can be – all are Kingdom players;
So “one by one on shoulder ride”
Is not so critical – besides –As we run free on Kingdom-layer,
There’s plenty more of other players
To be with us, as body-life
In unity, despite world’s strife.Thanks Lord for this.