"Think Global; Act Local" [Module#338] (Matt. 24:6-8 etc.) 2-2-3
The saying was in times before,
Think global, yes, but even more,
Act local – now it’s more than this,
For Kingdom-layer gives added bliss.For universal’s up above;
Participation’s down in love;
And in between, on Kingdom-turf,
We skate around, on the breakers surf –So, serve your age to full, indeed –
But from the Kingdom meet each need,
And most of all, bid, “Come on up,
For Kingdom-layer is not tough”.So where can Kingdom-layer be found?
In sky, on waves, on solid ground,
In buildings tall, or shops quite small,
Indeed, it’s anywhere it all –Or not, for we can leave the scene,
Escape from places we have been,
Or are today – for life is ours
As we skate ’round with Spirit’s powers.So, Lord, Your salt, light, leaven plays
It’s part – enriching all our days,
But now slipped in from Kingdom-layer,
Not blocked by outside grouchy players.Lord, in Your timing it’s all right;
The future for each person’s bright;
My, this is such a pleasant place!
This Kingdom-layer enriched by grace.Thanks Lord for this.