"Think Global; Act Local" [Module#338]  (Matt. 24:6-8 etc.) 2-2-3

The saying was in times before,
Think global, yes, but even more,
Act local – now it’s more than this,
For Kingdom-layer gives added bliss.

For universal’s up above;
Participation’s down in love;
And in between, on Kingdom-turf,
We skate around, on the breakers surf –

So, serve your age to full, indeed –
But from the Kingdom meet each need,
And most of all, bid, “Come on up,
For Kingdom-layer is not tough”.

So where can Kingdom-layer be found?
In sky, on waves, on solid ground,
In buildings tall, or shops quite small,
Indeed, it’s anywhere it all –

Or not, for we can leave the scene,
Escape from places we have been,
Or are today – for life is ours
As we skate ’round with Spirit’s powers.

So, Lord, Your salt, light, leaven plays
It’s part – enriching all our days,
But now slipped in from Kingdom-layer,
Not blocked by outside grouchy players.

Lord, in Your timing it’s all right;
The future for each person’s bright;
My, this is such a pleasant place!
This Kingdom-layer enriched by grace.

Thanks Lord for this.
