"Three Dates For Goals"
A person in a book one time,
Said, “Make three goals, and you’ll do fine –
Goal one, ‘Best case (if all goes well);
Goal three, ‘worst case’ (things go to hell).“And in between set ‘It’s okay’
Not ‘Sloughing off’, but ‘There’s a way
Which challenges to get there soon,
But leaves sufficient living room’.“ ‘Worst case, of course is end of line,
When we’re, in fact, quite out of time;
For outside factors come to play,
There’s no resource, beyond today.“ ‘Best case’ is way beyond belief;
If you do that, it’s quite a feat;
So it’s Nirvana, heaven and such;
Some folks reward all those who touch –“Such finish lines at break-neck speed,
With excellence, meet every need,
With bonus which then signifies,
‘Above, beyond’ in people’s eyes.“When one goal’s set, folks set ‘best case’,
Which, in the end proves out as waste
Of human life, resource, and pain;
But they go on that way again.”Of course, there’s lots who say “No way”
To goals at all, and that’s okay;
But “get ’er done” is best with three,
For goals, well framed, can set us free.Lord, in this Kingdom-layer view
Of life, goals lived each day in You,
Are realistic, pace each change
In ways life can be re-arranged –And yet not stress us way beyond
Capacity, so we respond
With quality and move along;
And shift our ways when we’ve gone wrong.Lord, lift us from our miry pits;
Help us help other folks with this,
In ways direct or indirect,
As You in grace bring to effect.Thanks Lord for this.