"Social Change" [Module #327] (Matt. 24:1-3)

In times of social change for folks,
Or economic change, revolt
Is hard on temples, they can fall;
And bigger ones crash most of all.

No matter what their glory was,
They get sold off, torn down, because
Good fortune will quick slip away
If we don’t care for such today.

Take UCC who’s losing now –
Sell one a week or more – pray tell
How did they come to this? They drove
The non-compassion gifts (who know –

The way to steward, care for things),
From in their midst – “conflict they bring
Into our Kum-Ba-Ya-ness here;
By candle-light we see most clear”.

“I don’t need you”; “You don’t need me”
Paul warned us, “Other gifts we see
Should not elicit nonsense such,
But rather, we should value much”.

So, let them sell until the day
They’ve frittered all resource away;
It’s called a coup in civil terms –
Beware lest such in Kingdom’s learned.

For social-economic change
Is just ahead in global range;
As wealth flows out and income too,
To poorer kin – not me and you.

But here Your Kingdom rises fast
Into my mind – relief at last!
For body-life on Kingdom-plain
Will to forever here remain.

Thanks Lord for this.
